London House

The Knowledge

Our London House: In Conversation with Jake Curtis

October 3rd 2022

When building the new London House brand, we commissioned award-winning, prolific photographer Jake Curtis to help elevate and bring our brand to life, through his still life photography. Jake brings a scientific approach to his craft, emphasising the importance of light and the viewer’s gaze

He works across a broad range of disciplines, bringing a fresh approach to each new challenge. Jake is set apart by his meticulously crafted lighting, delivering an attention to detail ensuring the unique and timeless aesthetic across the subjects he captures. We sit with Jake to gain some insight to his career, what inspires him and to find out what London means to him. 

Can you tell me a bit about how you became a photographer?

I was always fascinated with art, but couldn’t draw very well. I found photography the perfect medium to express how I saw the world. I spent hours in the cellar of my family home which we converted in to a darkroom, printing black and white images of everything and anything that I shot. I was totally hooked.

How do you describe your photography to someone who’s not familiar with it?

It has a calmness to it. I like to make considered images that play with the light and are captivating to the viewer.

In your opinion, what makes a good photograph?

Creating layers using great lighting and strong compositions can make for successful work.

What other important artists/photographers would you list as influencers or inspirations?

Irving Penn was always a huge inspiration for me. His still life and portrait work really sticks in my mind.

What’s been the biggest highlight in your career so far?

One of my recent highlights was photographing celebrated interior designer Axel Vervoordt in his castle in Belgium. His house is such an interesting place to shoot, I spent hours photographing his ‘Wabi’ room.

What was the brief when commissioning our London House brand images? Is there a particular image you like best? Why?

The brief was to shoot a series of abstract still life images of interesting and beautiful objects such as flowers and glassware. A dream brief. I particularly love the really abstract images of the reflections of colourful glass and mirrors, these were really fun to shoot.

At the moment you’re in London, where you live. Why did you choose the England capital as your home base? I love the pace and ever changing nature of London. I grew up not far from London in Colchester, Essex, so it felt like a natural step after uni to move to the capital.

What is your favourite thing about living in London?
The green spaces

Your favourite London Restaurant?

Your favourite London Art Gallery?
The Tate Modern

Your favourite shop in London?
Array, Stoke Newington

Your favourite area in London?