London House


Silvina Paz

Silvina Paz


Meet Silvina, our very own Linguist, fluent in several languages including Spanish and Portuguese. Following successful careers as both a Lawyer and Banker in the City of London, Silvina decided to combine her skills to become one of London’s most respected Buying Agents successfully acquiring a number of London’s most exclusive homes for her clients. Born in Argentina, Silvina has an extensive international background having lived in the US, Luxembourg, Madrid and New York and has called London her home for over 23 years. Silvina became an expert in London’s top schools when researching a place for her daughter Lara, who is currently excelling at St Paul's.

Fun Fact: In addition to being a massive foodie, Silvina is passionate about health and biohacking and is currently studying a Diploma in Health, Nutrition and Wellness. Silvina also has two Brussel Griffon dogs called Obi-Wan and Han Solo, the very same breed that inspired George Lucas to create Chewbacca and the Ewoks.